Gail Collins at Her Best, Again

Gail Collins writes a column about politics in the New York Times. She used to be the chief editorial writer, so she knows more than most pundits.

But what sets her apart is that she is really funny.

This column today has some good laughs.

She begins like this:

Pick your favorite irony:

1) Donald Trump turns out to be terrible at firing people.

2) The White House celebrates its “American Heroes Week” by banning transgender volunteers from serving in the military.

3) Thanks to the president’s harangues, we are actually starting to feel sympathy for Jeff Sessions.

I can definitely understand if you want to pick No. 2, especially since Trump just finished observing “Made in America Week” with an application to hire 70 foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago.

Those 70 foreign workers, by the way, are cooks, maids, and waiters. Apparently, Mar-a-Lago could not find any Americans who could fill these positions.

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